
This Teacup with lid is a work by Kinsei Tamura (1887-1987). It is a work that makes use of his technique of Kutani ultra-fine brush. On the outside, it portrays “the thirty-six immortal poets”, which is a list of 36 outstanding poets selected by Fujiwara Kinto (966-1041), a court noble in the middle of the Heian period. On the inside is a labor of love depicting thirty-six poems. about 8 cm.

#Teacup #teacupwithlid #KinseiTamura #TamuraKinsei #ultrafinebrush #Kutani #Kutaniware #thethirtysiximmortalpoets #FujiwaraKinto #antiques #japaneseart


#三十六歌仙 #藤原公任 #湯呑 #蓋付湯呑 #九谷毛筆細字 #田村金星 #毛筆 #骨董 #小田清山 #田村敬星 #田村星都 #一家相伝 #茶碗 #九谷焼